アルファサード株式会社 代表取締役 野田 純生のブログ


公開日 : 2011-01-22 16:39:43




  • 文字実体参照変換
  • 文字実体参照から戻す
  • URLエンコード
  • URLデコード
  • quotemeta(Perl)


# 直接PerlやPythonとかでも書けるみたい(今回は選択範囲とかの受け渡し方がちょっとわからんかったのでAppleScriptで書いた)。

~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/AppleScriptディレクトリを作成。


on replace_all(theText, serchStr, replaceStr)
	set theDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to serchStr
	set theList to every text item of theText
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceStr
	set theText to theList as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelim
	return theText
end replace_all

メニュースクリプトは ~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Scripts 以下に置く


To Character Entity Reference.scpt
set libpath to path to library folder from user domain
set libpath to (libpath as Unicode text) & "Application Support:TextWrangler:AppleScript:TextReplacer.scpt"
set TextReplacer to load script file libpath

tell application "TextWrangler"
	set targetWin to window 1
	set selectionText to selection of targetWin as Unicode text
	set selectionText to TextReplacer's replace_all(selectionText, "&", "&")
	set selectionText to TextReplacer's replace_all(selectionText, "<", "&lt;")
	set selectionText to TextReplacer's replace_all(selectionText, ">", "&gt;")
	set selectionText to TextReplacer's replace_all(selectionText, "\"", "&quot;")
	set selection of targetWin to selectionText
end tell


Perl Quotemeta.scpt
tell application "TextWrangler"
	set targetWin to window 1
	set selectionText to selection of targetWin as Unicode text
	set selectionText to quoted form of selectionText
	set command to "perl -e"
	set perlScript to quoted form of "print quotemeta($ARGV[0])"
	set selectionText to do shell script command & " " & perlScript & " " & selectionText
	set selection of targetWin to selectionText
end tell


Encode URL.scpt
tell application "TextWrangler"
	set targetWin to window 1
	set selectionText to selection of targetWin as Unicode text
	set selectionText to quoted form of selectionText
	set command to "perl -e"
	set perlScript to quoted form of "$s=$ARGV[0];$s=~s!([^a-zA-Z0-9_.~-])!uc sprintf \"%%%02x\", ord($1)!eg;print $s"
	set selectionText to do shell script command & " " & perlScript & " " & selectionText
	set selection of targetWin to selectionText
end tell



野田 純生 (のだ すみお)

大阪府出身。ウェブアクセシビリティエバンジェリスト。 アルファサード株式会社の創業者であり、現役のプログラマ。経営理念は「テクノロジーによって顧客とパートナーに寄り添い、ウェブを良くする」。 プロフィール詳細へ